Journal Title | Jurnal Informatika Upgris |
Frequency | Twice a Year ( June & December) |
DOI | Prefix 10.26877 |
ISSN | 2477-6645 (Online - Elektronik) 2460-4801 (Print - Cetak) |
Editor-in-chief | Aris Tri Jaka Harjanta |
Publisher | Program Studi Informatika UPGRIS |
Citation | Google Schoolar | Garuda | Dimensions | DOAJ |
Journal of Informatics UPGRIS published since June 2015 with frequency 2 (two) times a year, ie in June and December. The editors receive scientific writings from lecturers, teachers and educational observers about the results of research, scientific studies and analysis and problem solving closely related to the field of Information Technology and Communications / Informatics.
Vol 10, No 2: Desember 2024
Table of Contents
Nisa Rizqiya Fadhliana, Ramadhan Paninggalih, Yustika Perwita, Aninditya Anggari Nuryono
paulus harsadi, ilham ramadhan
agung wardoyo, Shokhjakhon Abdurakhimov, Fitria Wulandari
Achmad Solechan, Rohmad Abidin
Septia Lutfi, Winarsih Winarsih, Agus Purwanto, Solikhin Solikhin, Eko Riyanto, Agus Alwi Mashuri
Lutfi Riani, Afnan Zahra, Fadly Kurniawan, Ihsan Lana Valenza, Fadhlan Zaki Darmansah, Gema Parasti Mindara, Endang Purnama Giri