Pengaruh Model Project Based Learning melalui Metode Praktikum terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif pada Materi Getaran Harmonis Siswa Kelas XI MIA SMA Negeri 1 Comal
Physics learning will give optimal learning outcomes if the students can build
knowledge and find the answer of a problem through the learning process which has been
done. Separately, some studies show that students lack of creative thinking ability and
scientific works. Therefore, it needs project based learning model which can sharpen the
students creative thinking ability to learn Physics.This experimental study aimed to know the
effects of Project Based Learning model through the method of laboratory working on the
creative thinking ability on the material of harmonic vibration at grade XI MIA of SMAN 1
Comal. The samples of this study were Class XI MIA 2 as the experimental class and Class XI
MIA 3 as the control class. The techniques used to gather the data in this study were
documentation, observation, and tests.Based on the analysis of the hypotheses using one-tailed
t-test with right side, the results showed that the was 2,99 and the was 1,67. It
could be seen that the was higher than the so that the Ha was acceptedis
accepted. Meanwhile, from the gain test, it was obtained that the of experimental class was
0.710 with high category and the of control class was 0.611 with medium category.The
learning using Project Based Learning model through the method of laboratory working on the
material of Harmonic Vibration at Grade XI MIA of SMAN 1 Comal gives effects on the
creative thinking ability and can develop the students’ creative thinking ability.
Keywords: Creative Thinking Ability, Practicum Methods, Project Based Learning.
Full Text:
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