Menentukan Koefisien Restitusi Tumbukan dengan Analisis Konversi Sudut Penyimpangan
Physical practicum-based learning on collision was been carried out with the aim of knowing the magnitude of the coefficient of restitution of collision of 2 toy balls that are hung on station with a rope by analyzing the conversion of angle of the deviation before and after collision to the magnitutde of velocity. The instruments used in the practicum were“ tek-tek†balls, “ping-pong†balls, clear rubber ball, bow, stationary. Data collection was taken from the 8 practicum groups each of which consists of 4 students in class X IPA 1 of Senior High School 2 Kebumen in the 2nd semester of the school year 2017/2018. Conclusions obtained from data analysis are the conversion of angle of deviation before and after collision to the magnitude of velocity, average collision coefficient; between “tek-ball†was 0.18, “tek-tek†ball with clear rubber ball was 0.26, “tek-tek†ball with “pingpong†ball was 0.64. So that the three collisions include a partially resilient collision which has a range of restitution coefficients 0 ˂ e ˂ 1.Students did the practicum carefully, students had fun learning while playing and collision. This practicum can be done as an alternative to teach the competency on KI-4
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Permendiknas No.65 Tahun 2013 tentang Standar Proses Pembelajaran 2013
Kurikulum 2013, silabus Fisika SMA, 2013
Douglas C. Giancoli 2001 Fisika Edisi Kelima Jilid 1 (Jakarta; Eralngga)
Sears dan Zemansky 2001 Fisika Universitas Edisi kesepuluh Jilid 2 (Jakarta; Erlangga)
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