Fast and Accurate Indonesian QnA Chatbot Using Bag-of-Words and Deep-Learning For Car Repair Shop Customer Service

Muchamad Taufiq Anwar, Azzahra Nurwanda, Fajar Rahmat, Muhammad Aufal, Hindriyanto Dwi Purnomo, Aji Supriyanto


A chatbot is a software that simulates human conversation through a text chat. Chatbot is a complex task and recent approaches to Indonesian chatbot have low accuracy and are slow because it needs high resources. Chatbots are expected to be fast and accurate especially in business settings so that they can increase customer satisfaction. However, the currently available approach for Indonesian chatbots only has low to medium accuracy and high response time. This research aims to build a fast and accurate chatbot by using Bag-of-Words and Deep-Learning approach applied to a car repair shop customer service. Sixteen different intents with a set of their possible queries were used as the training dataset. The approach for this chatbot is by using a text classification task where intents will be the target classes and the queries are the text to classify. The chatbot response then is based on the recognized intent. The deep learning model for the text classification was built by using Keras and the chatbot application was built using the Flask framework in Python. Results showed that the model is capable of giving 100% accuracy in predicting users’ intents so that the chatbot can give the appropriate responses and the response time is near zero milliseconds. This result implies that developers who aim to build fast and accurate chatbot software can use the combination of bag-of-words and deep-learning approaches. Several suggestions are presented to increase the probability of the chatbot’s success when released to the general public.


indonesian chatbot; car repair shop customer service; fast; accurate; deep learning; bag of words

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