High-Quality Evaluation for Invisible Watermarking Based on Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)

Ega Adiasa Sofyan, Christy Atika Sari, Eko Hari Rachmawanto, Nur Ryan Dwi Cahyo


In this research, we propose an innovative approach that integrates Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to enhance the quality and security of digital images. The purpose of this technique is to embed imperceptible watermarks into images, preserving their integrity and authenticity. The integration of DCT allows for an efficient transformation of image data into frequency components, forming the basis for embedding watermarks that are nearly invisible to the human eye. In this context, SVD offers an advantage by separating singular values and corresponding vectors, facilitating a more sophisticated watermarking process. The quality evaluation using metrics such as MSE, PSNR, UQI, and MSSIM demonstrates the effectiveness of this approach. Low average MSE values, ranging from 0.0058 to 0.0064, indicate minimal distortion in the watermarked images. Additionally, high PSNR values, ranging from 67.20 dB to 67.22 dB, affirm the high image quality achieved after watermarking. These results validate that the integration of DCT and SVD provides a high level of security while maintaining optimal visual quality in digital images. This approach is highly relevant and effective in addressing the challenges of image protection in this digital era.


Image Quality; Image Watermarking; Discrete Cosine Transform; Singular Value Decomposition;

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26877/asset.v6i1.17186


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