Optimizing Biomass Pre-Treatment Technologies for BBJP Plants in Indonesia: A Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach

Haekal Awliya Muhamamad Salman


The challenges of energy consumption and environmental sustainability are pronounced in the dynamic landscape of contemporary industries driven by Industry 4.0 technologies. Indonesia, heavily reliant on fossil fuels, charts a course toward a clean energy future with a National Energy Transition Roadmap for Net Zero Emission by 2060. This transition involves innovative strategies such as biomass co-firing and waste utilization in Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) plants, known as Bahan Bakar Jumputan Padat (BBJP) plants. To optimize these BBJP plants, this study employs Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methodologies, specifically the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), to evaluate and select pre-treatment technologies. Criteria include capacity, conversion process, waste type, electricity consumption, operational ease, land requirement, and investment cost. Comparing bio-drying, thermal drying, and mechanical drying, AHP ensures consistent criterion weights, with TOPSIS ranking bio-drying as the most favorable, followed by thermal and mechanical drying. The study acknowledges global waste management challenges and introduces a mobile-modular containerized BBJP/SRF plant model, addressing installation, maintenance, scalability, and adaptability issues. While recognizing challenges, especially in pre-treatment processes, the research emphasizes the need for efficient and cost-effective solutions. Practical implications include enhanced decision-making in biomass drying, identification of technology advantages and disadvantages, and a commitment to address challenges for sustainable implementation. The study contributes to Indonesia's energy transition discourse, advocating the pivotal role of BBJP plants in balancing Industry 4.0 demands and environmental protection, providing insights for stakeholders and decision-makers in advancing sustainable waste-to-energy initiatives.


Industry 4.0, Bahan Bakar Jumputan Padat (BBJP), Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), Net Zero Emission, biomass co-firing,

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26877/asset.v6i1.17877


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