First-Principles Calculation of Laser Crystal Multiplet Levels via Hybridized Density Functional Theory and Configuration Interaction within the OLCAO Method
Computation of highly-localized multiplet energy levels of transition metal dopants is essential to the design of materials such as laser host crystals. A purely first-principles density functional theory-configuration interaction (DFT-CI) hybrid computational method has been developed to accurately compute multiplet energy levels for single atoms of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sodium, aluminum, silicon, titanium, and chromium. The multiplet energy levels have been computed with close experimental agreement in terms of magnitude and degeneracy, and the method does not depend on empirical information (i.e. Racah parameters). The computed multiplet energy level results are distributed according to term symbols, which are then compared to experimentally-observed multiplet energy levels. The hybrid method consists of analytic computation of two-electron integrals via the DFT-based orthogonalized linear combination of atomic orbitals (OLCAO) method, which are subsequently used as input for the CI-based discrete variational multi-electron (DVME) method to obtain the multiplet energy values.
Keywords: exchange-correlation; elecron repulsion integral; multiplet; DVME; OLCAO; density functional theory; configuration interaction
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