Rain Prediction Using Rule-Based Machine Learning Approach
Rain prediction is an important topic that continues to gain attention throughout the world. The rain has a big impact on various aspects of human life both socially and economically, for example in agriculture, health, transportation, etc. Rain also affects natural disasters such as landslides and floods. The various impact of rain on human life prompts us to build a model to understand and predict rain to provide early warning in various fields/needs such as agriculture, transportation, etc. This research aims to build a rain prediction model using a rule-based Machine Learning approach by utilizing historical meteorological data. The experiment using the J48 method resulted in up to 77.8% accuracy in the training model and gave accurate prediction results of 86% when tested against actual weather data in 2020.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26877/asset.v2i1.6019
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