Bioma: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi (p-ISSN: 2086-5481; e-ISSN: 2549-9890) is an Open Access Journal publised by Biologi Education, Faculty of Mathematics, Science, and Technology Information Education, Universitas PGRI Semarang. By publishing twice a year, on April and October, Bioma is intended to communicate the result of scientific research related to the field of Biology and Biology Education. Bioma has established a collaboration with Indonesian Biology Education Consortium (KPBI) since March 2021. Since Volume 10 Issue 1, April 2021, Bioma had been changes the layout. For writings to be loaded, the authors of the contributors should pay attention to the author's guideline. An article published in Bioma should meet the Editorial Board requirements. The Editorial Board has the right to change the editorial and systematic writing without altering the contents of the manuscript.

Dear Authors, We announce that from 1st January 2024. The OJS Bioma editing and review process will switch to OJS 3 via website : So, please only submit your article through those website Thanks in advance Warm regards, Editorial Team |
Posted: 2024-02-01 | |
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Vol 12, No 2: October 2023
Table of Contents
Ary Susatyo Nugroho, Endah Rita Sulistya Dewi, Maria Ulfah
Deby Noviyanti, Risa Pebriyanti, Ikhsan Pangestu, Saleh Hidayat, Wulandari Saputri, Meli Astriani
Ari Yuniastuti, R Susanti, Nugrahaningsih Nugrahaningsih, Rahmatika Saputri R
Putu Ayu Aryanda Parawidnyaningsih, masfufatun masfufatun, Agusniar Furkani Listyawati, Kuntaman Kuntaman, Akhmad Sudibya
Juniartin Juniartin, Rosita Tabaika, Wirda Az Umagap, Lintal Muna
Erni Angraini, Lia Auliandari, Susi Dewiyeti
Widya Ayu Paramitha, Atip Nurwahyunani, Eko Retno Mulyaningrum, Jamali Jamali
Indi Ghozirur Rohmah, Supeno Supeno, Sulifah Aprilya Hariani
Aliatul Makrufah, Karno Karno, Rosyida Rosyida
Agus Yadi Ismail, Ilham Adhya, Yayan Hendrayana, Nurdin Nurdin, Ai Nurlaila, Nina Herlina, Dede Kosasih, Fauzan Dzulfannazhir, Hadiyan Nur Sofyan, Sukron Aminudin