Training on the Creation and Digitalization of Financial Reports for the Success of MSMEs in the Future
Giving MSMEs sufficient knowledge about the kinds of financial statements they might utilize to support their operations is the aim of this community service. This program also aims to teach MSMEs how to create financial reports and how to use Microsoft Excel to digitize them. On November 5, 2024, this training took place in Jatiendah Village. Case studies and training are the techniques employed in this community service project. Prior to working on comprehensive sample questions for the financial statement preparation process and doing discussion sessions (questions and answers), the speaker first provided information about MSME financial statements. The facilitator remains by the participants' side as they complete the practice questions. After completing this training, it can be said that participants have a sufficient understanding of the different kinds of financial statements, the steps involved in creating financial statements from start to finish, and how to convert manual financial statement recording in books to digital financial statement recording in Microsoft Excel. In summary, this training has been successful in improving participants' comprehension of fundamental accounting principles and the creation and digitization of financial statements. The 10% rise in post test scores above pre test results illustrates this.
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