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Author Guidelines
1.    The article is original quaranted by the writer and is not published by the other journals/ proceedings.
2.    The contribution toward the development of science and technology is for the new findings/ ideas/ opinions which prioritize the current primary references at the latest 10 years.
3.    The article is an empirical study. The sharpness of critically analysis and synthesis is much prioritized.
4.    The review process is conducted in blind review process with the peer group system, which is reinforced by the qualified reviewers in their field.
5.    The article is written according to the rule of Dinamika Pendidikan and an editorial team reserves the right to revise the style of writing with a note that is does not change the intent and quality of the article. Questionnaires and other instruments. Manuscript articles that use primary data research or experimentation must also include the questionnaires.
6.    Authors are obliged to send the result of data processing as well as tables and the original image file via email.
7.    Article submitted online through  or email address to [email protected] and equipped with a curriculum vitae, correspondence address, origin of the institution agencies, email and the phone number/ mobile phone.
8.    Result of the assessment possibilities article can be:
a.     Accepted with minor revisions.
b.    Received with major revisions.
c.     Suggested sent to another appropriate journal
d.    Rejected.
A. The Writing Guidance
1.    The article is well-written in English. The writing of foreign language is italicized. Typed single space for the abstract, single space for content and single space for references. Written by font Times New Roman 12 pt size and indent for paragraph is 1 cm.
2.    The paper size is A4(210 x 297 mm), it is two columns and the page setup is: top margin 3cm; bottom margin 3 cm; left margin 3 cm; and right margin 2 cm.
3.    The font size for the title is Times New Roman 14 pt, it is capitalized each word, bolded, and left justified.
4.    After the title, it is followed by the author (without the title). It’s Times New Roman, capitalized each word, bolded, and left justified.
5.    Under the author, it is the institution and the email at Times New Roman 11 pt, capitalized each word, without bolded and left justified. For example: Economic Education, Universitas PGRI Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia.
6.    Correspondence address of author is listed on the left under the articles in English, accompanied by a corresponding email address. For example: Jl Gajah Raya No.40 Kota Semarang Email: [email protected]
7.    The font size for the sub-part in the article is Times New Roman 11 pt, capitalized each word, bolded, and left justified and without any bullet and numbering.
8.    Table All table form as an example. Table title is placed on the table with left justified. For example: Table 1. Range Of Percentage And Quantitative Research Programme
Table 1. Range Of Percentage And Quantitative Research Programme
No | Interval | Criteria |
1 | 81% - 100% | Very Good |
2 | 61% - 80% | Good |
3 | 41% - 60% | Sufficient |
4 | 21% - 40% | Less |
5 | 0% - 20% | Very Less |
 |  |  |
Source: Processed Primary Data (2021)
9.    Figure
Writing the title of figures and graphics placed under the pictures with left justified.
Figure 3. Model IV of the influence of the test score on Financials towards the
accounting competence through class engagement.
10. The total page does not exceed 25 pages, including the references and appendices (if
B. The Article Systematic
The article systematic includes: the title; the identity of the author(without a title); abstract; keyword; introduction; methods; result and discussion; conclusion; and references. While discussion about literature review and previous studies included in the introduction or result and discussion.
C. The Article Format
1.    Title. The title must be interesting, specific and informative, which is measured by directness in writing.
2.    The author identity. It includes the author’s name (without the title), the institution, correspondence address, and the email.
3.    Abstract. It is written in 150-200 words, in English. The abstract should include the purpose of research, data/object of research, method, result and conclusion.
4.    Keyword. The keywords should be written in English. Keywords should be chosen carefully and is able to reflect the concepts/ variables contained in the article, eith the number of three to five keywords.
5.    Introduction. It is the state of arts of the research, which consist of the background of the study, the motivation of the study, the theories and the objectives of the study. It is written in the form paragraph.
6.    Methods. It consist of the research design (the method, the data, the data source, the data collecting technique, the data analysis technique, the variables measurement) that written in the form of paragraph.
7.    Result and Discussion. Contains the result of empirical or theoretical study written by a systematic, critical analysis, and informative. The use of tables, images etc. Only the support or clarify the discussion and is confined only the support a substantial information, eg, tables of statistical tests, the result of model testing etc. Discussion of results should be argumentative regarding the relevance of the results, theory, previous, research and empirical facts, as well as demonstrate the novelty of the finding.
8.    Conclusion. It consists of the conclusion, clarity of new finding, new theories and the possibility of the future research development.
9.    References. The degree of sophistication of material referred to in the span of 10 years The references are expected to be 80% of the primary sources originated from the national and international journals. Write references that really referenced in the article and arrange it in alphabetical. Writing citations the referenced in the script should use reference application (reference manager) such as Harvard Style.
9.Examples of references:
For academic journals:
Davis, L, Mohay, H & Edwards, H 2003, ‘Mothers’ involvement in caring for their premature infants: an historical overview’, Journal of Advanced Nursing, vol. 42, no. 6, hh. 578–86.
Wijaya, K, Phillips, M & Syarif, H 2002, ‘Pemilihan sistem penyimpanan data skala besar’, Jurnal Informatika Indonesia, vol. 1, no. 3, hh. 132-140.
For books:
Conley, D 2002, The daily miracle: an introduction to journalism, Oxford University Press, New York.
For internet sources:
desJardins, M 1998, How to succeed in postgraduate study, Applied Ecology Research Group, University of Canberra, dilihat 26 April 2001,
1.    The article is original quaranted by the writer and is not published by the other journals/ proceedings.
2.    The contribution toward the development of science and technology is for the new findings/ ideas/ opinions which prioritize the current primary references at the latest 10 years.
3.    The article is an empirical study. The sharpness of critically analysis and synthesis is much prioritized.
4.    The review process is conducted in blind review process with the peer group system, which is reinforced by the qualified reviewers in their field.
5.    The article is written according to the rule of Dinamika Pendidikan and an editorial team reserves the right to revise the style of writing with a note that is does not change the intent and quality of the article. Questionnaires and other instruments. Manuscript articles that use primary data research or experimentation must also include the questionnaires.
6.    Authors are obliged to send the result of data processing as well as tables and the original image file via email.
7.    Article submitted online through  or email address to [email protected] and equipped with a curriculum vitae, correspondence address, origin of the institution agencies, email and the phone number/ mobile phone.
8.    Result of the assessment possibilities article can be:
a.     Accepted with minor revisions.
b.    Received with major revisions.
c.     Suggested sent to another appropriate journal
d.    Rejected.
A. The Writing Guidance
1.    The article is well-written in English. The writing of foreign language is italicized. Typed single space for the abstract, single space for content and single space for references. Written by font Times New Roman 12 pt size and indent for paragraph is 1 cm.
2.    The paper size is A4(210 x 297 mm), it is two columns and the page setup is: top margin 3cm; bottom margin 3 cm; left margin 3 cm; and right margin 2 cm.
3.    The font size for the title is Times New Roman 14 pt, it is capitalized each word, bolded, and left justified.
4.    After the title, it is followed by the author (without the title). It’s Times New Roman, capitalized each word, bolded, and left justified.
5.    Under the author, it is the institution and the email at Times New Roman 11 pt, capitalized each word, without bolded and left justified. For example: Economic Education, Universitas PGRI Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia.