Pengaruh Latihan Menggiring Bola Zig-Zag Terhadap Hasil Kelincahan Dribbling Pada Atlet Sepak Bola
This study aims to see the effect of zig-zag training on dribbling agility in soccer athletes SSB Persegrata Palembang. The population of this research is the SSB Ogan Ilir United athletes who want 30 people. The sample in this research may be 30 people. The method used in this research is quasi-experimental (quasi-experimental) with a one-group pretest and posttest design. The instrument in this study was the zig-zag dribbling test. Data were taken from the pre-test and post-test. The treatment in this study was in the form of zig-zag training given for 6 weeks with a frequency of training 3 times a week. Based on the results of the research and statistical data analysis of the t test with a significant level of α = 0.05, it was obtained tcount (30.5) while ttable (1.70), then tcount > ttable so that H1 was accepted and Ho was rejected. Thus H1 can be proposed and it can be accepted, that zig-zag training affects the dribbling agility (dribbling) of soccer athlete Persegrata Palembang. The implication of this research is that zig-zag training can be used as a type of exercise to improve dribbling agility.
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