Model Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani Untuk Meningkatkan Kecakapan Kolaborasi Siswa di Indonesia: Article Review
Collaboration skills are competencies that play a very important role in helping someone succeed in all matters, including education, business, government and others. However, the competence of collaboration skills in educational practice in Indonesia still needs to be questioned. The purpose of writing this review article is; 1) to find out the application of the learning model in realizing the competence of students' collaboration skills in physical education subjects, 2) to find out the application of the learning model in realizing the competence of students' collaboration skills in non-Physical and Physical Education subjects, and 3) to find out the relevant learning model to improve the competence of students' collaboration skills in Physical Education subjects in Indonesia. Articles reviewed from the Google Scholar database and the page with a span of the last 6 years. The PICO method is used to make inquiries and journal searches, then the PRISMA flow chart is used to identify articles through the process of filtering and extracting data. Of the 114 articles downloaded, there are 21 final articles that have gone through the screening and extraction process and will be analyzed for discussion. The results of the review articles are; 1) learning models that can improve students' collaboration skills in Physical Education subjects are cooperative learning models, 2) learning models that can improve students' collaboration skills in non-physical education subjects are cooperative learning models, project based learning/ PjbL, problem based learning/ PbL learning models. 3) relevant learning models to improve student collaboration skills in Physical Education subjects in Indonesia are; a) for basic education levels (SD and SMP) can apply cooperative learning models, b) for upper secondary education levels (SMA and SMK) can apply project based learning and problem based learning models.
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