The Role of Cooperative Learning to Increase Affective Aspects In Sport Education Learning

Willy Ihsan Riskyanto


The purpose of this study aim improvement of the Affective ability of students at SMKN 2 Depok Sleman N 2 Depok Sleman Yogyakarta through the Cooperative Learning (CL) learning model. The research was conducted using a Classroom Action Research approach to classroom action research. This research was conducted at SMK Negeri 2 Depok Sleman. The research subjects were all students of class X Mechanical Engineering totaling 32 students. Collecting data with quantitative questionnaires while qualitatively by observation. The data analysis technique used is to use textual analysis for quantitative, while the qualitative analysis is to reduce interview data. the results of cycle 1 experienced an average increase from the conventional method of 6.2 to 7.4 an increase of 16%. In the second cycle, a cooperative learning model with the type of Team Game Tournament (TGT) was given. There was an increase in cycle II by 13%, with the results of cycle 2 ending a series of a research cycle because the average affective learning mastery was 8.6 from a minimum completeness of 7.5 points. Based on the results of the pre-cycle, cycle I, and Cycle II, the cooperative learning model can increase affective learning by 29% in total from the two cycles. This is because the CL model makes the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of Mechanical Engineering students at SMKN 2 Depok high to be able to participate in learning. This creates a supportive atmosphere in learning so that positive communication can be created between teachers and students. The creation of this communication relationship is one of the stimuli so that students are able to control their own behavior and can restrain their respective egos through cooperative learning so that they can increase honesty, responsibility, tolerance, courtesy, and responsiveness.


learning model,, cooperative learning, Affective ability

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