Komunikasi Interpersonal Pelatih dengan Motivasi Berprestasi Atlet Nomor Lari
Interpersonal communication of a coach is carried out to familiarize themselves with athletes, the hope is that the coach can know what the athlete is thinking as well as the coach can include positive motivations for athletes including achievement motivation. This study aims to determine the relationship between the interpersonal communication of coaches with the achievement motivation of track number athletes in Gorontalo City. This research is a correlational study with the entire study population as a sample of 18 athletes. The research instrument used closed questionnaires on interpersonal communication variables with verbal and nonverbal factors, while achievement motivation variables with risk factors for task selection, feedback, responsibility, creative-innovative, task completion time, and having realistic goals. As a result, this study revealed that there was no significant relationship between the interpersonal communication of trainers and the achievement motivation of track and field athletes in Gorontalo City. Further research needs to be conducted to investigate so that the achievement motivation of track number athletes in Gorontalo City becomes even higher. The researcher recommends that coaches can take other approaches in an effort to increase the motivation of their athletes.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26877/jo.v9i1.15591
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