Korelasi antara Motivasi Belajar dan Prestasi Belajar BolaVoli Siswa SMA N 2 Bangkinang Kota
The main aim of this research is to investigate the association between students' motivation for learning and their achievements in volleyball learning at SMAN 2 Bangkinang city. The study was carried out at SMA N 2 Bangkinang Kota, employing a descriptive quantitative research approach. The research participants included 137 students from the eleventh-grade Science class. Data collection methods included distributing questionnaires, conducting observations, reviewing literature, and analyzing documents. Quantitative correlation and descriptive analysis were used for data analysis. The research results reveal a substantial and high correlation (61.0%) between learning motivation and learning outcomes. Consequently, an increase in learning motivation is anticipated to lead to an enhancement in learning achievements. The Pearson Correlation value for learning motivation and learning outcomes, when multiplied by 100, results in a value of 61.0%. Subtracting this from 100 yields a value of 39%, indicating that external factors beyond the model's framework influence 39% of the variance in learning outcomes. The hypothesis testing conducted through the SPSS program demonstrated that the calculated F-value (68.556) surpassed the critical F-value (3.75), resulting in the rejection of the null hypothesis (Ho) and the acceptance of the alternative hypothesis (Ha). This suggests a positive and significant correlation between motivation and student learning outcomes in the context of Class XI Science at SMAN 2 Bangkinang City.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26877/jo.v9i1.15861
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