Segmentasi Konsumen Olahraga Pilates di Salah Satu Studio Kota Bandung
Customer satisfaction is one of the things that can be achieved by meeting the expectations of individuals. The purpose of this research is to show the segmentation of pilates sport customers based on the expectations to be achieved. This research uses quantitative research methods with a descriptive approach. Questionnaires were distributed to 30 women who live in Bandung City and actively participate in Pilates sports. The segmentation framework that has been obtained can be used as a reference for understanding the profile of customers ranging from the background, reasons, to the desired expectations of each individual who participates in pilates, so that it can help the service sector to develop services that are more suitable for each type of customer. The results showed that consumer segmentation is more in unmarried women as much as 70% who are private employees (67%) using private vehicles (73%). The frequency of consumers doing pilates exercise is 1-2 times a week (70%) with the initial motive of improving and having good posture (40%). As many as 23% of pilates consumers have a long-term goal to follow this sport to become healthier. The conclusion of this study is that service sellers in the field of pilates exercise can offer services to female consumers with middle to upper economic status and improve services both in terms of pilates exercise consultation to the motives and goals desired by consumers.
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