Efektifitas Media Komunikasi Atlet dan Pelatih Olahraga Petanque Menggunakan Aplikasi Sports Training Program Monitor Berbasis Android
The purpose of sports monitoring training program monitoring is to inform instructors of the implementation of athlete training. The issue with this research is that there is no communication pattern between athletes and instructors, so there is still a significant amount of missed communication during training and matches. The purpose of this study is to ascertain the efficacy of the sports training monitoring program as a communication tool for petanque athletes and coaches. The procedure utilized in this study is a survey. This investigation included 304 pétanque athletes and coaches from the Central Java province. This study employed a technique of purposive sampling, in which the researcher selected samples based on their characteristics and abilities. This study's sample consisted of 115 athletes and 30 instructors. This study's findings indicate that the instrument used for data collection is valid, with r calculated > r table (0.444) and Cronbach's alpha greater than 0.90, yielding a faultless conclusion. The chat feature of the sports training program monitor application yields data with a value greater than 90 percent and very excellent conclusions. The findings of this study indicate that this Android-based sports training monitoring application is an effective means of communication between instructors and athletes during the implementation of training programs.
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