Pengaruh Program Neuro Rehabilitasi Terhadap Peningkatan Status Keseimbangan Dinamis Pada Kelompok Lansia
Old age is a cycle of maturation which is described by changes in abilities, both physical, mental, profound, psychosocial and sexual abilities. One of the developments experienced by older people is dynamic balance problems caused by external muscle problems, such as reduced muscle strength, adaptability and joint range of motion. Strengthening the muscles at the lowermost point through preparatory exercises can strengthen neuromuscular variations so that an increased level of dynamic balance is achieved. This study aims to determine the impact of providing a nerve restoration program (Static Bike and Exercise Therapy training program) on improving body balance status in the elderly group. Pre-test research strategy with a one collection pretest-posttest plan. The research used a purposive sampling test where the subjects were a group of elderly people in Gaden Village who did not experience mental disorders, were not undergoing special treatment and were given a Static Bike and Exercise Therapy training program 3 times a week for a period of 3 months. Estimation and evaluation of dynamic balance levels using the Time Up and Go Test (TUGT). The exploration results using the Shapiro Wilk normality test obtained a normal distribution of information, then a speculation test was carried out using the matched T test with the condition that a critical value was obtained if p<0.001 (p<0.05) at the strong balance level. This will show the impact of providing Static Bike and Exercise Therapy training programs on fair dynamic balance in the elderly.
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