Analisis Tingkat Kebugaran Jasmani Mahasiswa PJKR

Joko Priono, Dewi Ayu Lestari


UPMI PJKR understudies do dynamic courses consistently with sports and hypothesis. As study time advances, numerous understudies invest less energy practicing and all the more frequently hang out or visit in bistros in the early evening or night in the wake of examining, which ought to be utilized to rest or foster their athletic abilities so their actual wellness is kept up with well. This is something contrary to the picture of sports understudies. The reason for this examination is to decide the examination of the actual wellness level of PJKR understudies at the Indonesian People group Advancement College in 2023. This sort of exploration is clear examination, specifically research directed on autonomous factors without making correlations or associating them with different factors. The populace in this study was 450 PJKR UPMI understudies. Examining was completed utilizing a purposive example, where the necessities for this example were that PJKR UPMI understudies were male and had a 2021 endorsement, adding up to 40 understudies. The instrument utilized is the TKJI Test for a very long time 16-19 years. From the consequences of tests and estimations of the actual wellness of the 2023 PJKR UPMI understudies, the generally speaking actual wellness was 20 understudies with a rate score of half in "Poor people" classification, then the quantity of understudies was 12 individuals with a rate score of 30% in the "Medium, then" class. the quantity of understudies was 2 individuals with a rate score of 5% in the "Upside" classification.


Fitness TKJI Student Physical Fitness

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