Evaluasi Pendekatan Inovatif dalam Suplementasi Creatine untuk Meningkatkan Daya Ledak dan Power pada Atlet Binaraga: Sebuah Kajian Literatur Komprehensif
This study aims to investigate the effect of creatine supplementation on increasing explosive power and power in bodybuilding athletes, with an innovative approach to the use of creatine. The research methodology includes the steps of identification and selection of information sources, data search and collection, literature analysis and evaluation, information synthesis, interpretation, conclusions, as well as recommendations and implications. The literature findings in this study include clinical research using creatine monohydrate (CM), meta-analysis of various types of creatine, the combination of creatine with caffeine, creatine with a combination of electrolytes, and the effect of creatine supplementation with intensive interval training. The main findings showed significant increases in explosive muscle power and power in bodybuilding athletes who received creatine supplementation, with variations in response depending on the type of creatine, combination with other substances, and combination with a particular training program. Through interpretation of the findings, this study indicates that creatine supplementation, especially using CM, has a positive impact on the ability of bodybuilding athletes to produce explosive power and muscle strength. The findings also consider individuality factors in response to creatine type and supplement combination, and the study also found potential synergy between creatine and caffeine, as well as additional benefits from combining creatine with electrolytes. Based on these results, the study recommends innovative approaches in designing creatine supplementation, including exploration of optimized dosing, combinations with other substances, and integration with more specific exercise programs. The practical implications are in the form of guidance for coaches, athletes and researchers in the field of sports and nutrition to maximize the benefits of creatine in increasing explosive power and power in bodybuilding athletes.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26877/jo.v9i1.18123
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