Integration of Learning Technology in Physical Education: A Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Theoretical Framework
The demand to integrate technology in education is imperative, where teachers are expected to adapt their pedagogical approaches and teaching strategies in line with the optimal level of technology usage to enhance students' learning achievements. The involvement of technology particularly has a significant impact in the context of physical education. This study aims to evaluate teachers' abilities to integrate technology in physical education, referring to the concept of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). The applied methodology is cross-sectional, involving 77 prospective physical education teachers from the Physical Education Program at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Riau Islamic University. The sampling was conducted using purposive sampling, involving physical education students who have participated in educational field practice (KPLP). The research instrument utilized a Likert-scale questionnaire, consisting of seven indicators of TPACK theory skills: (1) technological knowledge, (2) pedagogical knowledge, (3) content knowledge, (4) technological pedagogical knowledge, (5) technological content knowledge, (6) pedagogical content knowledge, and (7) technological pedagogical content knowledge. The results of data analysis indicate that the abilities of prospective physical education teachers at FKIP UIR in integrating TPACK during the teaching and learning processes, as reflected in the seven indicators, fall into the categories of good and very good.
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