Development of Badminton Smash Learning Model in Senior High School

Eko Pratama, Dedy Putranto, Muhamad Rizki


The background of this research is that a badminton smash learning model has not been applied so that during the learning process students tend to be less motivated. The general purpose of this research is to make a product in the form of a badminton smash learning model for high school students, so that it becomes more effective and interesting. The specific objectives of this study were (a) to develop a badminton smash learning model for high school students, and (b) to collect empirical data on the results and effectiveness of the badminton smash learning model. This study is a type of research and development (R&D) with reference to the Borg and Gall design which consists of Research and Information Collecting, Planning, Development of The Preliminary of Product, Preliminary Field Testing, Operational Field Testing, Operational Product Revision, Main Field Testing, Main Product Revision, Final Product Revision, Dissemination and implementation. Data were collected through interviews and questionnaires; data analysis was done through quantitative descriptive analysis. The results showed a badminton smash learning model consisting of four models that are considered feasible and effective to be applied to badminton smash learning for high school students.


Learning Model; Smash; Badminton


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