The Effect of Social Support on the Level of Trust of Pencak Silat Athletes
The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of social support on the self-confidence of Banjarbaru silat athletes. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive. The study involved a population of 60 athletes, with 20 of them selected as samples using purposive sampling technique. Questionnaires on self-confidence and social support described for each aspect were used as research tools. Quantitative descriptive analysis method was employed in data analysis approach. Athletes categorized as very high obtained a lower percentage compared to athletes categorized as high; specifically, 48.3% of athletes were in the high group. With a percentage of 51.7% among athletes, the data findings based on the questionnaire fell into the very high category for the external variable. This indicates that social support has an influence on the self-confidence of the athletes since, according to the questionnaire results, the influence of social support falls into the high category.
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