Interest of Millennials in Tajer Mulya Village in the Traditional Game of Patok Lele

Dian Rahma Kumala, Perdinanto Perdinanto, Ramadhan Arifin


This study aims to determine how much interest the millennial community in Tajer Mulya Village has in the current traditional game of Patok lele. The research method used is a survey method with the type of research used is quantitative descriptive research. This research was conducted by filling out a statement questionnaire using a google form that was distributed through the whatsapp application. The targets and objectives of this research are millennial people in Tajer Mulya Village who are active in the village field in the afternoon with an age range of 10-34 years with the subject of millennial people, namely 50 respondents. The technique used is purposive sampling technique. The research instrument is a questionnaire containing 31 statement items. The results of the statistical data analysis showed that there were people who had an interest in the very high category had a total of 4 respondents with a percentage of 8%, the high category had a total of 10 respondents with a percentage of 20%, the medium category had a total of 20 respondents with a percentage of 40%, the low category had a total of 15 respondents with a percentage of 30%, and the very low category had a total of 1 respondent with a percentage of 2%. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the interest of millennial people in Tajer Mulya village in the traditional game of Patok catfish is in the medium category.


Minat Permainan Tradisional Patok lele Masyarakat


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