Analysis of Physical Activity of Physical Education Students in Attending Lectures

Karlina Dwijayanti, Arif Rohman Hakim, Slamet Santoso, Rima Febrianti


Physical education has physical activity for students that is classified as high and heavy because during the lecture period there are theoretical lectures and also practical lectures. The purpose of this study was to determine the physical activity of fourth semester students. This research is a quantitative descriptive study with the aim of describing research data with the help of quantitative data. The research sample was fourth semester students totaling 30 people. This study uses data collection techniques consisting of several tests that aim to measure the physical activity of students which include sit ups, push ups, pull ups, vertical jump, band & leg dynamometer, exspanding dynamometer, sit and reach, reaction time (reaction time meter), foot eye coordination test, modified bass test, hand grip dynamometer, vertical jump, two hand medical ball put, and MFT. The data that has been obtained will then be analyzed using statistical calculations with descriptive percentage analysis. The results showed that 4 students (13.3%) were categorized as less, 21 students (70%) were categorized as moderate, and 5 students (16.7%) were categorized as good. Based on the results of the above research, most students are categorized as moderate. There is a need for improvement for students to maintain their physical condition, active lifestyle, increase the volume of exercise in order to improve fitness and health optimally.


Aktivitas Fisik; Mahasiswa; Pendidikan Jasmani


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