The Effect of Mistar Shoot Training Method on Free Throw Success in Basketball Extracurriculars
Based on data, the free throw accuracy of the men's basketball team at SMPN 4 Semarang is still low. The aim of this research is to improve free throw accuracy using a shot rule. This research uses a two group pretest and post test design. The sample for this research was 12 students drawn using total sampling techniques who were divided into 2 groups. Group 1 carried out shot ruler treatment with an elevation angle of 45°- 53° and group 2 with an elevation angle of 54°- 60°. Treatment was given in 8 meetings. The test instrument uses the crossbar training method with a validity of 0.86 and a reliability of 0.75. The data analysis technique uses the T test. The results of data analysis obtained 1) The T test for group A has a Sig value. 0.01 so there is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest group 1. 2) The T test for group B has a Sig value. 0.01 so there is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest group 2. 3) Sig value. from the results of the t test post test group a and post test group b, namely 0.181 and 0.182 so there is no significant difference between post test group 1 and post test group 2.
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