Body Mass Index and Physical Fitness of Dayak Paramasan Elders
Physical fitness in the elderly, particularly among the Dayak Paramasan tribe, plays a crucial role in enhancing overall quality of life and health. This study aims to examine the relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI) and physical fitness levels in elderly individuals from the Dayak Paramasan tribe using the Six-Minute Walk Test (6MWT) as an indicator of cardiorespiratory fitness. The research employs a quantitative cross-sectional design with a purposive sample of 30 elderly participants. Data were collected through questionnaires for demographic and health information, and 6MWT to assess physical endurance. Descriptive analysis was conducted to identify BMI characteristics and 6MWT results, and correlation analysis to understand the relationship between BMI and physical fitness. The results indicate that elderly individuals with normal BMI and higher 6MWT scores tend to have better physical fitness. Conversely, high BMI is associated with decreased physical fitness. The study concludes that increasing physical activity and maintaining a healthy diet are crucial for improving fitness and quality of life in the elderly, particularly within indigenous communities such as the Dayak Paramasan tribe
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