Developing Independent Values Through Traditional Games in Realizing Disaster Response Schools
Indonesia is a country prone to various types of natural disasters, including floods, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Sidoarjo Regency, especially the Waru area, often experiences natural disasters that affect community life and education. Schools are one of the effective vehicles to build a culture of disaster preparedness for citizens, especially for students, educators and education personnel by providing information, knowledge and skills. This research aims to develop independent values through traditional games to realize disaster response schools at SMP Negeri 4 Waru. The research method uses development research that uses the 4D model which has 4 main stages, namely define, design, develop and disseminate to develop learning tools. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and document analysis. The results of the assessment by the material expert of 82% and the design expert of 85% indicate that the type of traditional game has a high independent value and the product is suitable for use as one of the PJOK learning media at SMP Negeri 4 Waru. Furthermore, the results of student trials amounted to 88% with a very high category in shaping independent character through traditional games for disaster mitigation. This study concludes that the integration of traditional games in the education curriculum can be an effective strategy to develop independent values and improve disaster preparedness in schools. It is recommended that schools in disaster-prone areas adopt this approach.
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