Relationship Between Diet and Physical Activity with Overweight in Basketball Players
This study aims to analyze the relationship between overweight, physical activity, and diet in extracurricular basketball students at SMP Negeri 1 Palang. A quantitative approach with a simple correlation method was used to explore the relationship. The sample consisted of overweight students, selected using a simple random sampling technique. Data were collected through anthropometric measurements for Body Mass Index (BMI), a physical activity questionnaire based on the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), and a diet questionnaire using the 24-Hour Food Recall method. Data analysis was performed using SPSS version 29 with the Fisher's Exact test and gamma correlation analysis. The results showed a significant relationship between diet and physical activity with students' BMI status. Diet was shown to have a greater influence on overweight with a gamma value of 1,000, compared to physical activity with a gamma value of 0.692. These findings indicate the importance of regulating a healthy diet as a priority in efforts to prevent overweight in students. In addition, this study provides important insights for coaches and schools to promote an active and healthy lifestyle among students.
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