Utilizing GPAI for Korfball Game Analysis

Rafli Hakim Syaputra, Masayu Rizka Risjanna, Alen Rismayadi


This study aims to determine and analyze the playing performance of the Indonesian national korfball team in the 2022 Asia-Oceania Korfball Championship event. Single Event Asia-Oceania Korfball Championship is a Korfball competition played by the Oceania National team, organized by the Asia-Oceania Korfball Federation and the International Korfball Federation (IKF). In this study, the data measurement technique is quantitative. The sample in this study is the Indonesian korfball national team totaling 12 players, the sample technique used is purposive sampling technique. Data taken from video tape Single Event Asia-Oceania Korfball Championship 2022 on youtube, the Indonesian National Team against the Philippines National Team. The instrument used as a means of evaluating team playing performance is the Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI) including researchers using the assessment components with Skill Execution, Decision Making, Support, and Guard or Mark.  The results of the research show that the four components are needed in the game of korfball. If the athlete can contribute to the four components of the assessment then the athlete has a good playing performance.


Korfball, Game Analysis, GPAI


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26877/jo.v10i1.21111


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