Smart Home is one of the tools that is developed for ease of automation of smart home management from the start of address, security, comfort, savings, through automation with Android. In designing a micro home security system controller using raspberry pi 3 and Android smartphones that can reduce the number of criminal acts of burglary door. This tool consists of an electro magnetic door lock called a solenoid door lock.
This solenoid key is placed on the door of the house for security. The design of this home door security system utilizes Raspberyy pi b + as a control device from near and far by utilizing the wifi network and sms gateway to control opening and closing the home door lock that is controlled via an android mobile. Through web bootstrap that will display the results captured by the camera to provide a home situation every time someone enters.
This house door security system that has been successfully built and tested with the working principle if there is someone who forces or breaks the house door in a closed condition, the system will activate a warning or alarm by sounding the buzzer¸ because there is an LDR sensor connected to one switch connected to the solenoid key that results, if the key is opened with a security system then the LDR sensor will turn off and there will be no alarm, but if it is forced to break the LDR sensor will activate and read the movement of the door so that the reaction occurs and the buzzer alarm will sound. This security system is a solution to increase the level of home security ¸ besides this sophisticated system is very easy to use and integrated with android smartphones
Keywords: homer security; smart home; android; rasberryPI; LDRFull Text:
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Raspberry Pi Documentation by the Raspberry Pi Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.
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