Readability and Usability of Story Books for Teaching English at Senior High School

Nada Niti Joko Wijaya, Wiyaka Wiyaka, Rahmawati Sukmaningrum


This research us focused on the readability level of story books for teaching English, and the usability of story books from the students’ and teachers’ perspective in tenth grade students at SMA Labschool Upgris. The objectives of this research were (1) to identify the readability level of usability story books for teaching English (2) to investigates the usability of story books from the students’ perspective (3) to analyze the usability of story books from the teachers’ perspective. The objects of the research are English story books as retold by Sugeng Hariyanto entitled “Nasreddin, a man who never given upâ€. Flesch Reading Ease Formula used to analyze the data. This research is categorized as descriptive qualitative method of the research. The overall explanation of the results and after conducting research on usability of story books for teaching English to tenth grade students in high school, the researcher can conclude that by reading story books, students are able to improve their ability to learn to read by thinking creatively and critically. The average readability score results of this storybooks are 52,46 which can be classified as Flesch Reading Ease. This means that the readability level of the story books is fairly difficult to read by students in grades 10 to 12.


Teaching Material, Readability, Usability, Story Books.

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