Critical learning method in writing class: What do learners think about it?

Saeful Izmah, Larasati Ikmalia, Burhan Syaifullah


The change of paradigm from "teaching" to "learning': facilitated with critical learning method (CLM) is able to create more meaningful learning environment and experience for university students. However, there might be rejections from teachers, students, or administrators. The current research focuses on students' problems, especially those who joined Writing II class at the English Department of Hasanuddin University. This study was conducted as action research. Two CLM lesson plans were developed and applied in the writing class, and the class interactions were videotaped. The videos were shown to respondents at the end of the semester. Respondents' perceptions were investigated by using free writing and interview techniques. The results revealed that the respondents had positive perception about CLM. However, lecturers need to consider the different levels of learners' proficiency, and to provide relevant reading assignments prior to each session of writing activities.


critical learning method; English writing class

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