Improving teacher's English proficiency in teaching various levels and background

Retno Mulyani Susanti


Teachers have an important role in educating the nation. Teachers' duty and responsibility are not only transferring the knowledge to the students but also making the students understand the materials given. Therefore, the students will be able to apply the lesson in the real life. In order to reach the teaching objective above, teachers must have good standard of ability and skill in teaching English. In addition, they must have good ability in teaching English. However, not all of teachers have the skill to teach various students equally. The focus of this article is to improve the teachers' English proficiency on teaching various students based on the students' level of education background and based on the students' age. Teaching students of various ages and various level of education background need teachers' creativity of their way of thinking. Some teachers tend to teach one level of students, elementary school for example, and they are not ready to teach other level of student, for example the senior high and adult. This article is expected to help the teachers seeing· several views in teaching students of various levels and background.


Teacher's English Proficiency; various levels; various background

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