Implementing Jigsaw learning method to develop reading skills: A case study of secondary school students

Mahmudah Nur Hasanah


The present study was intended to investigate how the study of reading was developed through jigsaw. Further, in-depth research was conducted to find out what extent to which the students' comprehension of reading was. For this purpose, 14 students were taken in a class on Elementary Reading Comprehension in the second semester of the academic year 2022/2023. This research was conducted by using action research which consisted of two cycles. Each cycle had four steps of teaching; they were planning, action, observation, and reflection. The data of this research were from the reading test, the observation note, and the questionnaire. The result of this research showed the students had a positive impact on the teaching of reading. They could elaborate on their ability to comprehend the text to the others. And from the questionnaire given, it showed the students enjoyed teaching reading by applying a jigsaw technique.


jigsaw; cooperative learning; reading; peer teaching

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