The comparison of cultural values analysis of Joker Movie and Marlina si Pembunuh dalam Empat Babak movie and its contribution in Cross-Cultural Understanding teaching

Gayuh Prayogo, Ririn Ambarini, Rahmawati Sukmaningrum


The objectives of the research is to discover the cultural values found in Joker and Marlina Si Pembunuh dalam Empat Babak movies, to find the differences in cultural values in Joker and Marlina Si Pembunuh dalam Empat Babak movies, to find out the contribution of the cultural value analysis from those two movies to the Cross-Cultural Understanding teaching. This research is conducted by utilizing the descriptive qualitative method. The data collected by download the movie from the website. The researcher was collecting and observing the data to find the Cultural value, the dimensional cultural value from both movies, and their contribution in cross-cultural understanding. The object of the research is divide into three-point. The first point is that the type of cultural value theory used, there was a cultural value stated by Geert Hofstede (2010) Dimension of Culture theory. To be more specific there are 18 American cultural values for “Joker†and 10 for “Marlina Si Pembunuh dalam Empat Babakâ€, the results of Indonesian cultural values are 16 for “Jokerâ€, 19 for “Marlina Si Pembunuh dalam Empat Babakâ€.The second researcher’s results are to discover the differences in cultural values in the “Joker†and “Marlina Si Pembunuh dalam Empat Babak†movies. Hofstede Insights Country Comparison variables consist of six dimensions; power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism, long-term orientation, indulgence, and masculinity. In the third research result, the researcher elaborates the advantages of the contribution of the cultural value analysis from those two movies in this study to Cross-Cultural Understanding. There are as a reference for the Cross-Cultural Understanding teaching method and as a reading source of cultural value analysis.

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