The Analysis Of Illocutionary Acts In Artemis Fowl Movie And Its Contribution In Teaching Speaking
This research is investigates the illocutionary acts in Artemis Fowl movie and its contribution to teaching speaking in a junior high school. It focuses on finding the most dominant type of illocutionary acts. It used a descriptive qualitative research where the data was collected from the main character’s utterances in the Artemis Fowl movie.The result of this research, showed that: first, the researcher found four types of illocutionary act which are assertive (117 utterances) with presents 58.5%, directive (57 utterances) with 28.5%, commissive (15 utterances) with 7.5%, and expressive (11 utterances) with 5.5% and the declarative is not found in this research. Through the contribution of illocutionary acts, the students can learn the expression of giving commands in the teaching-learning process in speaking class using Artemis Fowl movie.
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