Tri Cahyono


The increase in the amount of plastic waste every year is very worrying and has a negative impact on the environment. One way to reduce plastic waste is to recycle plastic waste from other products that can be used. Before recycling plastic waste into small pieces of plastic. Therefore, the author takes the title Designing a Plastic Waste Crusher Machine With a Crusher Knife Design Model. In the design of this plastic chopping machine, design is carried out in the form of design drawings, calculations and material selection. chopper components include: power, blade, shaft, bearing, transmission belt, v-belt and pulley.

       This chopper has dimensions of 900 mm x 700 mm x 1200 mm with a simple construction and easy to operate. The process of enumerating plastic waste uses 1 shaft and 1 blade as a knife holder with a total of 5 blades, namely 3 dynamic blades and 2 static blades. The prime mover of the plastic chopper is the Mustang Cx 200 petrol engine with a power of 6.5 hp with a maximum speed of 3600 rpm. This helicopter has a maximum cutting speed of 0.46 m/s and is capable of producing shredded plastic waste of 35kg/hour.


Crusher Blade Design Machine, Mustang Cx 200

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