Nowadays, the scarcity of renewable energy is one of the world issues. Therefore, some researchers are keening to find the solutions. One of the alternative renewable energies is from waste heat or sunlight. The energies can be utilized using thermoacoustic technology. An array stacks or regenerator inside a tube can be employed as a media to convert the thermal into the acoustic energy. On the other hand, the demand of environmentally friendly cooler is inevitable, so thermoacoustic cooler is proposed for the alternative solution. Therefore, it is essential to drive the thermoacoustic cooler by the thermoacoustic engine in a loop tube. There are some important parameters have impact on the engine and cooler. One of them is the length of the regenerator. In this numerical calculation, the Rott derivations were used. The stability limit conditions and efficiencies were calculated to obtain the performance of the entire system. It was found that the total efficiency of the system is 4 % of the upper limit value and the engine and cooler efficiency are 52.4 % and 35.7 % of the thermodynamical upper limit value, respectively. It was found that the optimum value is 0.014. It means that the length of the regenerators is 4 cm while the length of looped tube is 280 cm.
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