Muhajir .


The purpose of this research is to find the intersection of politics and
prostitution in poems entitled ?óÔé¼?ôBersatulah Pelacur-Pelacur Kota Jakarta?óÔé¼?Ø by W.S.
Rendra and ?óÔé¼?ôPidato Akhir Tahun Seorang Germo?óÔé¼?Ø by F. Rahardi. How is the public
perception of prostitutes? How the authors position of prostitutes in his poetry? This
research using structural theory and descriptive analytical research method. After
analyzing two poems, the researcher concluded that (1) Both authors use poems as a
medium for criticism of the government. (2) The public perception of the prostitutes is
bad, They are the bearers of state catastrophe, but the authors through his poems
defend them because according to the authors prostitutes are victims of
mismanagement of state. (3) in the poem ?óÔé¼?ôBersatulah Pelacur-Pelacur Kota Jakarta?óÔé¼?Ø by
Rendra occur politicization where prostitution is sold as issue of politics. Whereas in the
poem by f Rahardi not found. The use of poetic language rendra more assertive and
provocative and against the injustice committed by politicians and officials . The use of
poetic language F. Rahardi more relaxed, joking, and appeal to submit problems to God
(5) The use of poetic language F Rahardi softer because he did not want to suffer like
W.S. Rendra were eliminated by the new order government.
Keywords: prostitution, politics, poetry

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