Conversational Implicature in The Croods movie

Rahma Niah, Senowarsito Senowarsito, Arso Setyaji


This research is aimed to identify the types of conversational implicature in the dialogue of characters in The Croods movie and interpret the meaning of each conversational implicatures that found in the dialogue of characters in The Croods movie.  In conducting this research, the writer uses descriptive qualitative research as a method to analyze the data. The writer uses the theory proposed by Grice to analyze and interpret the types of conversational implicature occur in The Croods movie. The data in this research are collected by watching the movie and reading the script of the movie, which then selects the dialogues that identified as a conversational implicature. In analyzing the data, the writer uses several steps; First identifying the types of conversational implicature, Second classifying the types of conversational implicature, third describing the meaning of each utterance that is identified as a conversational implicature based on the context of the movie, and last making a conclusion. After analyzing the data, it was found that there were 20 utterances that were identified as conversational implicatures, i.g. generalized conversational implicature and particularized conversational implicature. There were 15 utterances identified as particularized conversational implicatures and 5 utterances identified as generalized conversational implicatures. Which can be percentages, particularized conversational implicature 75% occurred and generalized conversational implicature 15%. It can be concluded that particularized conversational implicature is the most prominent appearing in the movie.



Types, Conversational Implicature, The Croods movie

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