Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

JITEK (Jurnal Ilmiah Teknosains) was published by the Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas PGRI Semarang on Wednesday, 21 October 2015. JITEK contains manuscripts of research results in the fields of Information Technology and Computer Science. JITEK is committed to publishing quality articles and can be the main reference for researchers in the field of Information Technology and Computer Science.

  • Engineering :
  1. Civil, 
  2. Chemistry, 
  3. Architecture, 
  4. Electrical, 
  5. Mechanical, 
  6. Enviromental, 
  • Food technology : 
  1. Agriculture, 
  2. Physics, 
  3. Biology, 
  4. Mathematics, 
  5. Chemistry and 
  6. Technical information.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Each submitted manuscript will be selected through an initial review process by the Editorial Board. Then, the article will be sent to the peer reviewer to be processed. After that, the article will be returned to the author for revision. This process takes a maximum of one month. In each script, the sustainable partner / peer reviewer will assess the substantial and technical aspects. The peer-reviewed partner who works with JITEK is an expert in the field of science and technology. They are experienced in managing prestigious journals and their publications were published nationally and internationally.


Publication Frequency

The journal has been published two times a year, on May & November.


Open Access Policy

 This journal adheres to the best practice and high publishing standards and complies with the following conditions:

  • Provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge;
  • Deposits content with a long term digital preservation or archiving program;
  • Uses DOIs as permanent identifiers;
  • Embeds machine-readable CC licensing information in articles;
  • Allows generous reuse and mixing of content, in accordance with CC BY-NC license;
  • Can Provide Provide article level metadata for any indexers and aggregators
  • Has a deposit policy registered wíth a deposit policy registry, e.g. Sherpa/Romeo?



This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...


Screening for Plagiarism

To check the possibility of plagiarism, each manuscript will be checked using the application Turnitin

The Editorial Team of JITEK Journal acknowledges that plagiarism is unacceptable and therefore establishes the following policies that state specific actions (penalties) if plagiarism is identified in an article submitted to be published in the JITEK Journal.


Plagiarism is an act intentionally or unintentionally in obtaining or trying to obtain credit or value for scientific work, by quoting part or all of the work and/or scientific work of other parties that are recognized as scientific works, without expressing the source appropriately and adequately.

For that, then:

Articles must be original, never published, and not in the process of waiting for publication elsewhere. Material taken verbally from other sources needs to be clearly identified so that it is different from the original text.

If plagiarism is identified, the Editor in Chief is responsible for reviewing the article and will approve the action in accordance with the level of plagiarism detected, with the following guidelines:

Plagiarism Level

  1. Tracing a portion of a short sentence from another article without mentioning the source. Action: Authors are given warnings and requests to change the text and quote correctly.
  2. Tracing most of the other articles without the right quote and not mentioning the source. Action: The submitted article is rejected for publication in the JITEK Journal and the author can be sanctioned for not publishing in the JITEK Journal.
  3. All article writers are responsible for the content of the articles they submit because they all signed the JITEK Journal Publication Ethics Statement Form. If the article is classified as plagiarism, then all authors will be subject to the same action
  4. If the author is proven to submit the manuscript to the JITEK Journal by simultaneously sending it to another journal, and this overlap is found during the review process or after publication, then the action according to point 2 above is given.
  5. If plagiarism is found outside the rules above, the editor of the Journal of JITEK has the right to give sanctions according to the editor's policy.
  6. minimum level of plagiarism based on turnitin software is 25%


Digital Archiving

JITEK (Jurnal ILMIAH TEKONOSAINS) ses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed filing system among participating libraries and allow those libraries to create permanent archives of journals for preservation and restoration purposes and JITEK (Jurnal ILMIAH TEKONOSAINS)  submits its content to the Garuda (Garba Referral Digital), and several journal indexing institutions, so that data availability is guaranteed and accessible.


Journal Publishing Fee

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Publication: 300000.00 (IDR)

We would like to inform you that beginning with Vol. 3 No.2, we will charge an Article Processing Charges (APC) of IDR 300,000 to cover publication services such as review administration and management, Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) registration for each paper, Turnitin article similarity checking, final editing stage of the paper, and PDF production. The APC is due only once the manuscript has completed the whole peer-review process and the Editorial Panel has chosen to accept it.

FREE OF CHARGE will be available for paper submission of authors outside the country of Indonesia
The fee covers DOI registration for each paper.

Waiver Policy
If you do not have funds to pay such fees, you will have an opportunity to waive each fee. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work.
The author should declare that he/she asks for a waiver in the comments to the Editor box during their submission.

Refund Policy
The article publication fee is not refundable under any circumstance.


If you do not have funds to pay such fees, you will have an opportunity to waive each fee. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work.



Publication Ethics

JITEK (Jurnal Ilmiah Teknosains) UPGRIS is a scientific publication that contains research results that have never been published. This scientific code of ethics statement is a code of ethics statement for all parties involved in the process of publishing scientific journals, namely managers, editors, reviewers, and writers / writers. This journal follows the guidelines based on the Head of LIPI Regulation Number 5 of 2014 concerning the Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications sourced from the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) in dealing with all aspects of publication ethics, and specifically how to handle cases of research and publication, which are the Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications which basically uphold the three ethical values of publication, namely:y:

  1. Neutrality, which is free from conflicts of interest in the management of publications;
  2. Justice, which is to give authorship rights to those who are entitled as authors/writers; and
  3. Honesty, which is free from duplication, fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism (DF2P) in publications.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Editor in Chief

  1. Determine the name of the journal, scope of science, scale, and accreditation if necessary.
  2. Determine editor membership.
  3. Defining relationships between publishers, editors, best partners, and other parties.
  4. Respect confidential matters, both for contributing researchers, authors/writers, editors, and best partners.
  5. Implement norms and provisions regarding intellectual property rights, especially copyright.
  6. Review journal policies and submit them to authors/writers, editors, best partners, and readers.
  7. Make a code of conduct guide for editors and best partners.
  8. Publish journals regularly.
  9. Ensure the availability of funding sources for the sustainability of journal publishing.
  10. Building a network of cooperation and marketing.
  11. Improve journal quality.
  12. Prepare licensing and other legal aspects.

Editor's Duties and Responsibilities

  1. The editor comments on the author's writing so that the reader can understand what the writer wants to say, through comments written on the script.
  2. The editor comments on the author's writing in accordance with EBI (Indonesian Spelling) or language according to the standard of the journal.
  3. The editor seeks to improve the quality of publications on an ongoing basis;
  4. The editor put forward freedom of opinion objectively,
  5. The editor conveys corrections, clarifications, withdrawals, and apologies if needed,
  6. The editor ensures that the writer's writings do not concern SARA or anything that can harm the Publisher and coordinate the writer's writings to the editor in chief of the publisher if the writing is a bit controversial.
  7. The editor receives, reviews, and follows up complaints from all parties involved in publishing the journal;
  8. The editor supports initiatives to educate researchers about the ethics of publication,
  9. Editors do not maintain their own opinions, authors or third parties that can result in non-objective decisions,
  10. The editor encourages the author/writer so that he can make repairs to the paper until it is worth publishing.
  11. The editor performs the layout of the manuscript to be published so that it matches the journal template.
  12. Editor helped the editor in chief to finalize the collection of manuscripts before printing and publishing, especially in terms of language, format, and layout.

Reviewer or Responsibilities of a Reviewer or Bestari Partner

  1. Provide objective and unbiased written feedback regarding the value of scholarship and the contribution of the manuscript to the development of science;
  2. Shows whether the writing of the script is quite clear, complete, and relevant and whether the text is in accordance with the scope of the journal;
  3. Not giving personal criticism or comments; and
  4. Maintain the confidentiality of the manuscript, by not discussing it with unrelated parties, or disclosing the information contained in the manuscript to other parties.
  5. Duties and Responsibilities of the Website Administrator

The Website Administrator is the person responsible for managing the journal website. Specifically, the scope of duties of the Website Administrator are as follows:

  1. Prepare a journal website;
  2. Configure system options and manage user accounts;
  3. Register for editors, reviewers, and writers;
  4. Manage journal features;
  5. View report statistics; and
  6. Upload / publish papers that are already accepted.

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