Kajian sifat ekor tebal distribusi mode-centered burr
Distribusi ekor tebal adalah salah satu kajian penting dalam pemodelan statistik. Suatu distribusi dikatakan memiliki sifat ekor tebal jika memenuhi kriteria yang telah dirumuskan berdasarkan teori distribusi ekor tebal. Dalam artikel ini, penulis melakukan kajian sifat-sifat ekor tebal dari distribusi Mode-Centered Burr (MCB) berdasarkan teori distribusi ekor tebal yang sudah dipublikasikan. Berdasarkan hasil kajian dapat diketahui bahwa distribusi MCB memiliki sifat ekor tebal. Akibatnya, dapat disimpulkan bahwa distribusi MCB berekor tebal. Â
The heavy-tailed distribution is one of the important studies in statistical modeling. A distribution is said to have heavy-tailed properties if it meets the conditions formulated based on the theory of the heavy-tailed distribution. In this article, the author studies the heavy-tailed properties of the Mode-Centered Burr (MCB) distributions based on published theories of heavy-tailed distribution. Based on the study's results, it can be known that the MCB distributions have a heavy-tailed property. As a result, it can be concluded that the MCB distribution is heavy-tailed.Â
Full Text:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26877/aks.v13i3.14170
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