Jumadi Jumadi


This research aims to find: 1) the relation between the motivation and the achievement in learning Mathematics. 2) The relation between the perception to Mathematics and the achievement in learning Mathematics. 3) The relation between the parents’ education level and the achievement in learning Mathematics. 4) The role of motivation and perception in learning Mathematics and parents’ education level in the achievement in learning Mathematics.

The hypotheses in this research are: 1) There is a positif relation between the motivation and the achievement in learning Mathematics. 2) There is a positif  relation between the perception to Mathematics and the achievement in learning Mathematics. 3) There is a positif relation between the father’s education level and the achievement in learning Mathematics. 4) There is a positif  relation between the mother’s education level and the achievement in learning Mathematics 5) The motivation in learning Mathematics, the perception to Mathematics, and the parents’ education level have a role in the achievement in learning Mathematics.

            The research’s subject is 100 students class X and XI of SMAN 2 Yogyakarta. The data were collected by using scale, documentation, and identity. The scale used was math motivation scale and math perception scale. The data analysis were done by using multiple linear regression and product moment correlation.

Based on the correlation analysis done was known that there was positive and significant relation between  motivation and achievement in learning Mathematics and between the perception of Mathematics and the achievement in learning Mathematics, but there is no positive and significant relation between father and mother’s education level and the achievement in learning Mathematics. Based on the result of multiple linear regressions analysis, it was known that motivation and perception in learning Mathematics as well as parents’ education level have a role in the achievement in learning Mathematics. It is based on the significant result of F testing, i.e. α = 0.05. The determination of coefficient was 0.162 meant that the percentage of the effect of motivation and perception in learning Mathematics and parents’ education level to the achievement in learning Mathematics was 16.2%, while the rest of 83.8% was influenced by other variables which were not included in this research.

Key words: Motivation in learning Mathematics, perception to Mathematics, parents’ education level, the achievement in learning Mathematics.

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