Dampak Perkuliahan Geometri Pada Penalaran Deduktif Mahasiswa: Kasus Pembelajaran Teorema Ceva
Geometry is one of branches of mathematics that can develop deductive thinking ability for anyone, including students of prospective mathematics teachers, who learning it. This deductive thinking ability is needed by prospective mathematics teachers for their future careers as mathematics educators. This research therefore aims to investigate the influence of the learning process of a geometry course toward deductive reasoning ability of students of prospective mathematics teachers. To do so, this qualitative research was carried out through an observation of the learning process and assessment of the geometry course, involving 56 students of prospective mathematics teachers, in one of mathematics education program, in one of state universities in Bandung. A geometry topic observed in the learning process was the Ceva’s theorem, and the assessment was in the form of an individual written test on the application of the Ceva’s theorem in a proving process. The results showed that the learning process emphasizes on proving of theorems and mathematical statements. In addition, the test revealed that ten students are able to use the Ceva’s theorem in a proving process and different strategies of proving are found, including the use of properties of similarity between triangles and of the concept of trigonometry. This indicates a creativity of student deductive thinking in proving process. In conclusion, the geometry course that emphasizes on proving of theorems and mathematical statements has influenced on filexibility of student deductive thinking in proving processes.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26877/aks.v11i1.6011
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