Protein Concentrate From Tuna Head Waste Using Methanol-Acetone Solvent Extraction

Feri Ardiansyah, Shofia Dwi Fitri Rahmasari, Kindriari Nurma Wahyusi


The frigate tuna (Euthynnus affinis) is known for its high protein content in the head, making it suitable for the production of protein concentrate used in animal feed. This research aims to investigate the influence of adding a methanol-acetone mixture solvent, the duration of the extraction process, and the protein content in the resulting concentrate using the Kjeldahl method. The protein concentrate is produced through the maceration extraction method, where 30 grams of the frigate tuna head sample is mixed with a methanol-acetone solvent in various ratios (1:9; 3:7; 5:5; 7:3; 9:1) at a temperature of 50 °C and a stirring speed of 500 rpm, with extraction times ranging from 2 to 6 hours. Subsequently, filtration is performed, and the precipitate is dried using an oven at 100 °C for 30 minutes. The dried sample is then subjected to protein content testing using the Kjeldahl method. Research results indicate that both protein content and extraction yield values increase with the duration of the extraction process, while the water content decreases. The optimal result in maceration extraction is achieved with the methanol-acetone mixture (9:1) treatment and a 6-hour extraction time, yielding a protein content of 89.15 %, water content of 5.57 %, and an extraction yield of 23.86 %.Protein concentrate can be used as animal feed to increase protein needs. Animals that are given sufficient protein will fatten and make the animal healthy


Acetone; Exctraction; Frigate tuna head; Methanol; Protein Concentrate

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Universitas PGRI Semarang, Indonesia

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