The?é?á effort?é?á to?é?á increases?é?á milk?é?á production?é?á especially?é?á milk?é?á goat
production?é?á can?é?á do?é?á with?é?á increasing?é?á quality?é?á of?é?á dietary?é?á and
maintenance?é?á of?é?á goats,?é?á one?é?á of?é?á them?é?á was?é?á increasing?é?á level?é?á of
dietary?é?á protein?é?á to?é?á increase?é?á protein?é?á metabolism?é?á in?é?á goats.?é?á The
research purpose was to find out the acurate of?é?á dietary protein
level to maximalize protein digestion?é?á in Peranakan Etawa goat.
The?é?á materials?é?á used?é?á in?é?á the?é?á research?é?á were?é?á 12?é?á Peranakan?é?á Etawa
goats at fourth month pregnancy and range of body weight 35,20
?é???é?á 1,21?é?á kg?é?á (cv?é?á =?é?á 3,44%)?é?á with?é?á ?é???é?á 13?é?á month?é?á ages.?é?á The?é?á research
design?é?á that?é?á used?é?á is?é?á completely?é?á randomized?é?á design?é?á one?é?á factor
with three treatment and four restating. Parameter that evaluated
include dry matter intake, consumption of crude protein, protein
digestion. Result of the research shown that the average of dry
matter intake to T1, T2 and T3 were 958,99; 981,51 and 1242,73
g/goat/day?é?á (P<0,05).?é?á The?é?á average?é?á of?é?á consumption?é?á of?é?á crude
protein?é?á to?é?á T1,?é?á T2?é?á and?é?á T3?é?á were?é?á 114,69;?é?á 144,44?é?á and?é?á 233,11
g/goat/day(P<0,05). The average of protein digestion to T1, T2
and?é?á T3?é?á were?é?á 64,22?é?á (55,18%);?é?á 92,83?é?á (64,21%)?é?á and?é?á 156,21
(66,97%)?é?á g/goat/day?é?á (P<0,05).?é?á The?é?á conclution?é?á of?é?á the?é?á research
was?é?á levels?é?á of?é?á dietary?é?á protein?é?á as?é?á 18,43%?é?á may?é?á increase?é?á the
optimal protein digestion in Peranakan Etawa goat.
Keywords : protein, Peranakan Etawa goat
production?é?á can?é?á do?é?á with?é?á increasing?é?á quality?é?á of?é?á dietary?é?á and
maintenance?é?á of?é?á goats,?é?á one?é?á of?é?á them?é?á was?é?á increasing?é?á level?é?á of
dietary?é?á protein?é?á to?é?á increase?é?á protein?é?á metabolism?é?á in?é?á goats.?é?á The
research purpose was to find out the acurate of?é?á dietary protein
level to maximalize protein digestion?é?á in Peranakan Etawa goat.
The?é?á materials?é?á used?é?á in?é?á the?é?á research?é?á were?é?á 12?é?á Peranakan?é?á Etawa
goats at fourth month pregnancy and range of body weight 35,20
?é???é?á 1,21?é?á kg?é?á (cv?é?á =?é?á 3,44%)?é?á with?é?á ?é???é?á 13?é?á month?é?á ages.?é?á The?é?á research
design?é?á that?é?á used?é?á is?é?á completely?é?á randomized?é?á design?é?á one?é?á factor
with three treatment and four restating. Parameter that evaluated
include dry matter intake, consumption of crude protein, protein
digestion. Result of the research shown that the average of dry
matter intake to T1, T2 and T3 were 958,99; 981,51 and 1242,73
g/goat/day?é?á (P<0,05).?é?á The?é?á average?é?á of?é?á consumption?é?á of?é?á crude
protein?é?á to?é?á T1,?é?á T2?é?á and?é?á T3?é?á were?é?á 114,69;?é?á 144,44?é?á and?é?á 233,11
g/goat/day(P<0,05). The average of protein digestion to T1, T2
and?é?á T3?é?á were?é?á 64,22?é?á (55,18%);?é?á 92,83?é?á (64,21%)?é?á and?é?á 156,21
(66,97%)?é?á g/goat/day?é?á (P<0,05).?é?á The?é?á conclution?é?á of?é?á the?é?á research
was?é?á levels?é?á of?é?á dietary?é?á protein?é?á as?é?á 18,43%?é?á may?é?á increase?é?á the
optimal protein digestion in Peranakan Etawa goat.
Keywords : protein, Peranakan Etawa goat
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