The Uses of PQ4R and SSR Strategies in EFL Reading Classroom

Merie Agustiani


Abstract. This paper reports an experimental study which investigated the use of Preview, Question,Read, Reflect, Recite, Review (PQ4R) strategy and Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) strategy to the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 OKU. Two classes consisted of 30 students in each class were choosen randomly and assigned as PQ4R group and SSR group. Reading comprehension test that consisted of 35 multiple choice questions was used to collect the data. Meanwhle, t-test was used to find out the significant results of the two strategies and stepwise regression was used to find out what aspect of reading comprehension that mostly contributed on  students’ achievement. Findings of this study showed that there were significant different achievement of the students after the interventions using PQ4R and SSR strategies which means that the two strategies were proved significantly effective to improve the students’ reading comprehension achievement, but the independent t-test result showed that SSR strategy gave more significant improvement toward students’ reading comprehension achievement

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