Pengaruh Latihan Squat Jumps Skater Hops Dengan Jump Forheight Ins and Outs Terhadap Kekuatan Dan Power Otot Tungkai

Hizbin Nisa Karimah, Oce Wiriawan, Sapto Wibowo


This study aims to evaluate the effect of squat jumps and skater hops with jump for This research is intended to evaluate or assess the impact of squat jumps and skater hops training with jumps for height and ins and outs on increasing leg muscle strength and explosive power. The research method applied is quantitative treatment or quasi-experimental research with a randomized group pre and post test design. Research subjects were divided into three groups, where each group consisted of 11 people. Group 1 received training treatment combining squat jumps and skater hops, group 2 received training treatment combining jumps for height and ins and outs, while group 3 underwent training according to the extracurricular (conventional) program. The duration of the training was 6 weeks. The instruments used involve a leg dynamometer as a test instrument to measure leg strength and jump MD to measure jump height. Analysis of the paired sample t-test showed that each group experienced a significant increase (p<0.05) in both the strength and power variables. The results of the MANOVA analysis showed a significance value of less than 0.05 (p <0.05), indicating that there were significant differences in group 1, group 2 and group 3 in increasing strength and power. The conclusion of this research is that each group can increase strength and power, while there are significant differences between group 1, group 2, and group 3 in increasing strength and power.


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